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We all begin life without knowing God. So, we are all influenced by a deep seeded tendency in our soul to live for ourselves and to make life decisions without God. Doing so is wrong and destines us to spending eternity without ever knowing God. No amount of good things we do can outweigh the bad of not knowing God. Sounds dark, right? But there is hope! Jesus is our hope! Jesus makes it possible for us to know God and His love, grace, and forgiveness. Jesus gives us Himself as a free gift, and He allows us to choose Him as our "boss" so that we can spend eternity with God. If we accept this gift and follow Jesus with our hearts and lives, He will forgive us for living for ourselves, and we can know Him. The decision to "know" Jesus is the most important decision we will ever make. It is the beginning of a new life of purpose and passion that we will never know otherwise.

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"Following JESUS with Purpose and Passion"
